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3. 参与省一流本科线上课程《基因工程原理》的教学与课程建设
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 32001889, 番茄SAP4相关泛素受体调控灰霉病抗性的分子机制研究, 2021-01至 2023-12, 24万元, 在研, 主持
2. 科技创新2025 重大专项(宁波市重大科技任务攻关项目),2021Z114,海洋经济贝、藻种质资源保存、遗传评价与核心种质库构建,2021-09 至 2024- 08,100万元, 在研, 参与
1. Shixia Liu, Jun Zhang, Xue Sun, Nianjun Xu*. Characterization of spermidine synthase (SPDS) gene and RNA-Seq based identification of spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM) involvement in improving high temperature stress tolerance in Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Frontiers in Marine Science 2022,9: 939888. 【JCR二区 TOP期刊】
2. Shixia Liu, Jun Zhang, Chaoyang Hu, Xue Sun, Nianjun Xu*. Physiological and transcriptome analysis of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in improving Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis stress tolerance at high temperatures. Algal Research 2021, 60: 102532. 【JCR二区】
3. Qionglin Chen, Xinlei Yu, Shixia Liu*, Suya Luo, Xiaojiao Chen, Nianjun Xu and Xue Sun*. Identification, characteristics and function of phosphoglucomutase (PGM) in the agar biosynthesis and carbon flux in the Agarophyte Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Marine Drugs 2022, 20: 442. 【JCR二区】
4. Yan Liu, Yixuan Li, Hejing Zhao, Bilu Zhu, Jilin Xu, Feng Xu, Shixia Liu*, Xiaohui Li*, Chengxu Zhou. Phloroglucinol promotes fucoxanthin synthesis by activating the cis-Zeatin and brassinolide pathways in Thalassiosira pseudonana. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2022, 22: e0216021. 【JCR二区TOP期刊】
Shixia Liu, Jiali Wang, Siyu Jiang, Hui Wang, Yizhou Gao, Huijuan Zhang, Dayong Li*, Fengming Song. Tomato SlSAP3, a member of the stress-associated protein family, is a positive regulator of immunity against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Molecular Plant Pathology 2019, 20: 815-830. 【JCR一区 TOP期刊】
1. 指导研究生完成毕业论文3人次,制定3名在读研究生课题
2. 指导本科生完成毕业论文设计3人次,制定3名在读本科生毕设
3. 以第一导师指导学生主持宁波大学科研创新项目1项
4. 现任2022级生物技术(拔尖人才创新班)班主任