

博彩大全-博彩导航 是全国高校党建工作标杆院系。学院成立于2011年11月,因国家海洋局与宁波市政府共建宁大涉海学科而新建。前身为生命科学与生物工程学院,由浙江水产学院水产系和宁波师范学院生物系合并而成,办学历史迄今已有60年。海洋人不忘初心、牢记使命,紧紧围绕国家蓝色粮仓和乡村振兴战略,坚持党建引领,“党建+学科”双融双促,不断凝炼学科特色,实现学院高质量发展。



学院有教职工165名,其中正高42名、副高55名,博士126名;博导41人,硕导 82人。拥有全职院士、共享院士各1名,享受国务院津贴2名,“国家优秀青年科学基金”、“青年科技奖”获得者、国务院学位委员会水产学科评议组成员、农业硕士教指委委员各1名,农业部岗位科学家3名,省级“151”等各类人才26名。有4位教师参加国境外进修学习。学院目前有在校本科、研究生1500余名。



2022年,博彩导航 学生获国家级大学生创新创业计划训练项目立项10项、浙江省新苗人才计划立项7项、浙江省教育厅一般科研项目(研究生项目)立项2项、宁波大学大学生科研项目SRIP校级立项23项、宁波大学研究生科研创新基金立项18项;获第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖4项、铜奖1项、最佳带动就业奖1项(全国2项),获第八届浙江省国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛奖项10项、浙江省第十三届“挑战杯”创业计划竞赛奖项4项。

2022年度学院获多项荣誉。“海蟹安家黄河边,盐碱瘠土变良田”项目入选第三届全球减贫优秀案例;获第八届全国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖4项。水产动物养殖教师团队获黄大年式教师团队,海洋生物技术教学团队获省示范基层教学组织;母昌考、邵铱娜入选浙江省高校第二批“浙江省高校领军人才培养计划”培养对象建议名单;辅导员陈晨获浙江省高校思政微课大赛一等奖,辅导员时红帅获浙江省“学习讲话精神、培育时代新人”主题征文三等奖。谢蕾获宁波市高校“优秀思政工作者”、王腾飞获宁波市高校“优秀辅导员”,史西志获宁波市高校“优秀课程思政教师”。陆嘉祺博士入选2022年“浙里青春正飞扬”浙江省大学生创业典型人物。季心平获2022年宁波市高校“优秀大学生”,吴敏楠获2022年宁波市高校“大学生励志标兵”,博彩导航 创新创业联合会获2022年宁波市高校“先进大学生集体”。


Faculty of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University was named as Faculty of Life Science and Biotechnology before 2011. The Faculty is composed of    the Department of Biology and Marine Science, the Department of Aquaculture , the Department of Food Science and Engineering, the Administrative Management, the Scientific Research Center and the Experimental Teaching Center.  At present, the Faculty has 2 undergraduate majors, 2 first-level doctoral subject of Aquaculture, 3 second -level doctoral subjects, 2 first-level master subjects of Aquaculture and Food Science and Engineering, and 10  second-level master subjects. In 2007, the major of Aquaculture was evaluated as "Specialty-Major on the National Level". Now, we have 1 Model Experiment and Teaching Center on the National Level, 1 Model Experiment and Teaching Center on the Provincial Level, 1 Off-campus Undergraduate Practical Teaching Base on the National Level. With ‘ Aquaculture’ and ‘ Food Science and Engineering‘ 2 Zhejiang Province first-class disciplines, And the major of Aquaculture for four consecutive years ranked 3 in the country competitiveness.

According to the latest statistics, nearly 164 staff members are working in the faculty, including 43 professors and 50 associate professors.. In addition, there are 35 PhD supervisors and 78 Master supervisors. At present, the faculty has 1 academicians in the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 teacher works as the vice chairman in the University Teaching Instructive Committee organized by China’s Ministry of Education, There are 1 national expert science and technology innovation leader, 3 post scientists of the Ministry of agriculture, 1 expert science and technology innovation leader of the Ministry of education in the new century, 1 expert science and technology innovation leader of Zhejiang Province, 4 middle-aged and young experts with outstanding contributions in Zhejiang Province, 18 151 talent projects in Zhejiang Province, 10 middle-aged and young discipline leaders in Colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province, 1 National Excellent Youth Fund and 6 provincial outstanding youth fund, There are 30 winners of various talent projects and honorary titles at Ningbo municipal level.

At present, the number of full time students is 1540, including 729undergraduates, 639 postgraduates working for master's degree, 172 postgraduates working for doctor's degree .

In recent years, we have gained 3 Science and Technology Progress Awards on the national level, 2 on the provincial level, 32 on Other provincial and ministerial level 52 on the municipal level. A plenty of research results reaches the international advanced level. Over 1500 academic papers can be searched in SCI, EI publication, including a single highest impact factor of 13.9; National invention patents are up to 400. Obtained four new varieties of aquatic products. Besides, there are 11 key laboratories and research centers. For example, the Key National Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology under the guidance of China’s Ministry of Education, the Marine Life Sub-center of Beijing National Biochip Research Center, the Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology in Zhejiang , the Collaborative Innovation Center for Zhejiang Marine High-efficiency and Healthy Aquaculture and any more.

In both undergraduate level education and faculty training, college uses the "tripartite integration" approach (integration of researching and teaching, integration of teachers and students, and integration of school and enterprise), and place innovation and entrepreneurship as an important position, to achieve high-quality education and training requirements. Over the past five years, students research projects and high-level scientific and technological achievements show "blowout" growth trend, continuous breakthrough in national awards, led by the aquaculture team "Xiaoping students scientific and technological innovation team" won the first of college students national scientific research projects (a total of four teams in Zhejiang Province), won a first prize of a contest of the "Challenge Cup" Undergraduate curricular academic science and technology, and a Chinese College Students Entrepreneurship Competition Gold Award first prize. Recently, student employment rate has reached to 98% or more. The percentage of undergraduate student taking part in the postgraduate entrance exams was nearly 79%, and the admission rate of 42% or more, and PhD student enrollment rate increased significantly. In undergraduate students, studying abroad for postgraduate degree has become a new trend, entrepreneurial rate continued to rise, and quality of employment has also been uplifted.

School of Marine Sciences (SMS) has also seized the opportunity to develop the ocean economy, combined with the "Ding-Tian-Li-Di" of the university concept referring to being based on Ningbo, serving the Zhejiang Province, and reaching out to the whole country. SMS focuses on its strength, and highlights practical effect for the idea of enterprise-education-research cooperation, expert services, scientific and translation of basic researches and technological achievements, and continuing education for adults. Meanwhile, research teams in SMS continue to carry on the development of new varieties of aquaculture species, the construction of traditional industrial chain, innovation and low-carbon farming technology, cultivate independent innovation capability for the collaborative enterprises to achieve industrial clusters and upgrade and guide the capital cluster for service purposes. The SMS also keeps encouraging all faculty members to carry out innovative work, to form the institute of unique service features and establish our training advantages. To date of 2021,a number of scientific researches in SMS have been transformed and applied to the industry resulting in a direct economic benefits over 1 billion yuan.