英国斯特林大学水产学院 Herve Migaud 教授,将在宁波大学梅山校区汇报自己的研究主题和内容,请有兴趣的老师和学生前来参加,并展开交流。
时间:2018年9月30日 下午 13:00-14:00
以下是Herve Migaud 的研究方向:
1. Yellow croaker
2. Pomfret
3. Crab (swimming or mud crabs)
4. Shrimp (Giant tiger prawn- P. monodon or Whiteleg shrimp-P. vannamei)
5. Cuttlefish
Topics (mainly focusing on adaptive mechanisms and sexual reproduction)
1. Environmental adaptation: study environmental programming (with epigenetic effects) and selection (temperature and salinity) in crabs, study osmoregulation in changing salinity environment,
2. Larviculture in pomfret: focus on nutrition and probiotics from first feeding (live feeds) and weaning (collaboration with feed manufacturer?)
3. Monosex production in crabs: study sex determination and differentiation, hormonal manipulations, genomic markers for sex and other traits of interest
4. Light perception and biological efficiency in shrimp, crabs and/or cuttlefish (collaboration with light manufacturer?) including chronobiology
5. Sterility in yellow croaker through triploidisation
6. Comparative genomics and evolutionary biology